Friday, February 24, 2006

Brilliant Sun

Today the sun is brilliant outside... the fresh fallen snow has twinkled its way into raindrops dripping down trunks of trees. The wild pheasants have come for their daily gobbling of wheat and apples. The squirrels dash about digging at the base of trees and clamor back up to high branches with their treasured stash! I have enjoyed the peacefilled bliss of nature that surrounds our home in great abundance. That same peace not only surrounds this fortress in which I live... but it invades my heart and makes me deeply glad I know the One who is Creator.
I have worked all day and have two full pages of writing... just like that squirrel I clamor to my resting place and savor the delight and wisdom my study has endowed me with. I feel strengthened inspite of this body that beats me viciously. Lion~*

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