Wednesday, April 26, 2006

When the Smoke Rose from the Forest

When the Smoke Rose from the Forest

I reached out multiple times
Attempting to hold you back to me
But no one can grip an escaped spirit
Torn away
Shattered to tiny shards of heartache
Asked to line up reality’s agony
Like a soldier on guard in heavy boots
Yet no enemy to show a face
For it came to dwell within
And has used grenades and swords
To trample the jungles of perception’s tears
Death freed you from danger
But captivated me
Prisoner of the henchman’s wrath
Who will save me?
Can this dungeon be opened ?
Where did the key fall?
Does it teeter upon a precarious cliff
Too jagged for feet to pursue?
It had to stop being about you
When the smoke rose from the forest
So empty and frozen
I got so lost in that winter snow
Never finding myself home again.

April 26th, 2006 9:23 am

Losing my brother was desperately harsh... it always will be.

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